
Question #11: Mission's 2023 Top Hits—Part 1 of 2

  Greetings, LCB Readers! It’s time for two more installments of, “Ask Mission.” These two installments will contain my best answers, on our WizardofVegas online game site, for 2023. I was also going to include some Facebook responses I gave, but that would be a lot of DM’s to go through. In any event, if you have any gambling questions, then I would encourage you to check out our WizardofVegas site. Just complete the easy process to sign up for the Forums, start a thread and ask your question. In addition to myself, many other forum participants are skilled at gambling math, so you’ll be sure to get an answer from someone.  Some questions are so complex as to require highly precise computer simulations, which I can’t do; if that ends up being the case, I’ll be sure to tell you. I always try to check new threads every couple of days, but if I somehow miss your question, please send a PM to, ‘Mission146,’ along with a link to the thread. Generally, I’ll take a look within 24 hours. You